Rosa Koenraadt


Demand and supply of illicit pharmaceuticals

Rosa Koenraadt is conducting her doctoral research on the demand and supply of illicit lifestyle pharmaceuticals. The central aim of this interdisciplinary research is to investigate the structure and dynamics of the market for lifestyle medicines such as weight loss medication and erectile dysfunction products in the Netherlands. The focus of the current research is twofold. On the one hand the research analyses the cultural meaning and increased demand for these medicines in contemporary society. On the other hand the research focuses on the structure of the market in which the sale, distribution, social and commercial dynamics, the intertwinement of the legal and illegal sale and the role of the internet are analysed. By means of various qualitative and quantitative research methods, the hidden market for lifestyle medicines and the dynamics between its consumers and suppliers are examined.
Rosa Koenraadt has obtained her undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Amsterdam and a master degree in criminology at Utrecht University. In 2013 her master thesis in criminology has been awarded a shared second position by the Dutch Criminological Society. Furthermore, Rosa has been involved in a research project commissioned by Politie & Wetenschap on mobile banditism and has been teaching seminars in criminological courses at Utrecht University.


  •  Koenraadt, R.M. & de Haan, M. (2016). De aankoop van geneesmiddelen via internet. Een onderzoek in opdracht van het Ministerie van VWS naar de aankoop, motieven en risicoperceptie bij het online bestellen van geneesmiddelen. Utrecht: Willem Pompe Instituut voor Strafrechtswetenschappen.
  • Koenraadt, R.M. (2015). Cultural criminology and the Internet: Challenges for online criminological research. In: De Jong, F. (ed.), Overarching views of Crime and Deviancy; Rethinking the Legacy of the Utrecht School. The Hague: Eleven International Publishers, p. 547-564.
  • Koenraadt, R.M. (2014). Blauwe handel. Een criminologisch kwalitatief onderzoek naar illegale erectiemiddelen in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie, 39, 8-14.
  • Koenraadt, R.M. & Siegel, D. (2013). Mobile banditry as a new form of organized crime. In: D. Siegel, Mobile banditry. East and Central European itinerant criminal groups in the Netherlands. The Hague: Eleven international publishers, p. 37-64.
  • Siegel, D. & Koenraadt, R.M. (2013). Mobiel banditisme als een ‘nieuwe vorm’ van georganiseerde misdaad. In: D. Siegel, Mobiel banditisme. Oost- en Centraal-Europese rondtrekkende criminele groepen in Nederland. Apeldoorn: Politie & Wetenschap.
  • Koenraadt, R.M. (2012). Blue pills on the black market. CIROC Newsletter, 10, 4-5.
  • Koenraadt, R.M. (2012). Blauwe pillen op de zwarte markt. Een exploratief onderzoek naar het gebruik en de verkoop van illegale erectiemiddelen in Nederland. Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers.