Clara Musto


Cannabis market regulation in Uruguay. The construction of an innovative drug policy
Clara is currently studying the process of cannabis regulation in Uruguay. Her interest in this area comes from 2006, when she joined Proderechos, an NGO that worked in the intersection between communication and politics to advocate for policy changes. In these years, Clara specialised in the regulation of illegal markets and drug policy evaluation, and assisted the Uruguayan government on the regulation of cannabis. In her PhD project Clara explores the political and social process behind this innovative step; the type of problems that this reform aims to tackle, the role of public opinion and the type of arguments displayed in the political game, and the cultural specificities that block or facilitate the policy transfer of this kind of initiatives. It is based on a qualitative research strategy concerning documentary analysis, expert interviews and a participant observation. Clara studied Sociology as her bachelor degree in the University of the Republic (Uruguay). In 2011, during her last year of College, jointed the Criminology research group of the School of Social Sciences, and worked in a number of projects regarding Sex Work and Sexual Exploitation of minors, prisons, rehabilitation and penal policies, and drug policy.
  • C. Musto y S. Aguiar (2015): “The Green Light: Marijuana Regulation in Uruguay”, in Labate, B. C. & Rodrigues, T. (eds). Drogas, Política y Sociedad en América Latina y el Caribe. México: CIDE (in press).
  • C. Musto, M. Collazo y H. Delgado (2014): “Drug Policy reform and Human Rights in Uruguay” in Derechos Humanos en el Uruguay: informe 2013 – 2014, ed. Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ) y Fundación Rosa Luxemburgo. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • C. Musto (2014): “On the gateway hypothesis”, in Radical Statistics Journal nº 109. First prize RadStas 2014 Essay competition, Student category.
  • C. Musto, N. Trajtenberg, A. Vigna (2012): “Theoretical and Methodology issues on the link between drugs use and crime”, in El Uruguay desde la Sociología X, Sociology Department, Social Science Faculty, University of the Republic, Uruguay.
  • C. Musto, S. Aguiar, V. Filardo y D. Pieri (2012), “Marihuana produces schizophrenia. Public space and drugs in Uruguay”, in Academic support for the Nationals Drugs Debate. Ed. Tradinco, Uruguay.
  • C. Musto y N. Trajtenberg (2012): “Prostitution and sex work in Uruguay”, paper work n°87, Sociology Department, Social Science Faculty, University of the Republic, Uruguay.
  • C. Musto y N. Trajtenberg (2011): ” Prostitution and sex work: a literature review”, in Revista de Ciencias Sociales nº 29. Sociology Department, Social Science Faculty, University of the Republic, Uruguay.
  • C. Musto, N. Trajtenberg, A. Vigna (2011): “Fuzzy Sets in Criminology”, in El Uruguay desde la Sociología IX, Sociology Department, Social Science Faculty, University of the Republic, Uruguay.
  • C. Musto, N. Trajtenberg, A. Vigna (2011): “The role of partners in crime desistance” in Resúmenes del Primer Congreso Uruguayo de Sociología. Repensando los desafíos de la integración social. ISBN: 978-9974-0-0817-5
  • C. Musto y M. Collazo (2011): “Prostitution in Uruguay. Believes and neutralization techniques” in Proyectos de Investigación estudiantil 2009, Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica, Universidad de la República. ISBN: 978-9974-0-0722-2