Dennis Pauschinger

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Global Security Going Local

Through my life, work and study in São Paulo I experienced what it means to live in a socially deeply polarised city. Witnessing how fear of violence structures the everyday life of ordinary citizens throughout all social classes, drove my interest to study the phenomena surrounding the Brazilian security dynamics. In addition, my work at the Hamburg Football Club (HSV) and my inside view into the football business made me think about the complexity of Sport Mega Events (SMEs).
The DCGC programme gives me the opportunity to unite these experiences in my research project in which I am looking at the global security models associated with contemporary SMEs and how they will unfold during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. More specifically, I am interested in the ways in which these global and standardized models possibly affect the established Brazilian security practices and policies. I mainly carried out my fieldwork in Rio de Janeiro looking behind the scenes of the massive security effort in the city.
I am delighted to be in the DCGC programme, which is a unique opportunity and experience for both my future career and to widen the network with so many interesting people with the most thrilling research projects. I am supervised by the University of Kent (Prof. Dr. Keith Hayward) and the University Hamburg (Prof. Dr. Susanne Krasmann).
