Stefano Mazzilli-Daechsel

| +447980039331

Invention & Resistance: FabLabs Against Proletarianization

My PhD project investigates the socio-political implications of a network of digital fabrication workshops that call themselves FabLabs. More specifically, I am researching grassroots FabLabs in Europe as a form of activism that challenges the trend of proletarianization, defined by the philosopher Bernard Stiegler as the loss of know-how. In order to make sense of this dynamic, I argue that the concept of resistance must be reformulated and coupled with a critical concept of invention. The conceptual pairing of invention and resistance extends to a strategic alliance between the inventive forces of the FabLabs, and the forces of resistance found in radical political activism. In addition to Stiegler’s philosophy, my research engages with the works of Gilles Deleuze, Gilbert Simondon, and the emerging school of continental thought known as object-oriented ontology.

Currently supervised by the University of Kent and the University of Hamburg, I hold a M.A. in Criminology from the University of Kent and a M.A. in International Relations from the University of St Andrews (2008-2012).


Mazzilli-Daechsel, S. (2017) Latour’s Troublemakers: a Contribution to an Object-Oriented Criminology. Kriminologisches Journal. (2) 136-144.