Outcomes and career opportunities

The pervasive nature of, and dynamic change in, crime and its social, economic and political consequences, means that there is an urgent need for fresh insights, new approaches and, above all, professionals with the highest level of skills and competences which have been developed in an interdisciplinary and international environment. In addition to producing high-quality original and innovative research, doctoral graduates will

  • have developed globally-aware and culturally-sensitive approaches to criminology throughout their doctoral research and training;
  • possess creative, interdisciplinary perspectives, informed by both social science and law;
  • have high level communication skills and an ability to communicate complex, specialist knowledge to a wider audience of non-specialists;
  • understand the importance of relevance and impact in research, and have a commitment to disseminating knowledge and understanding;
  • have developed network and intercultural skills through working with fellow candidates, members of the academic team and external stakeholders in internships and work placements.

At all stages the programme focuses on skills for employability. The personal development and career plan is designed to ensure that, from the beginning of the programme, candidates focus on career and employment objectives, and in meetings with supervisors this will be the subject of regular review. In the first semester a workshop will be led by a member of the Careers Advisory Service of the University of Kent about the identification and development of key employability skills. Candidates will be encouraged to use work placements and internships to develop their career objectives. The generic and subject specific training will emphasise skills and competences for employability. The wide-range of associated members and the interaction and contact that the candidates will have with these partners will enable both the associate partners and the candidates to establish effective contacts for future employment.

The personal development and career planning embedded in the programme will ensure that doctoral graduates will have focused on their career objectives and be well-prepared for work in the academic world, research, high-level policy, as consultants, and in regional, national, international, government positions, NGOs, research institutes, and criminal justice agencies. The mobility and the overall intercultural perspectives required by the programme will ensure that doctoral graduates will bring considerable added value to any organisation in which they work – not only through the qualities, skills and competences, including those of global-critical citizenship, which they have developed but also their innovative interdisciplinary cross-cultural perspectives.

Employment opportunities will include a wide range of high-level research, teaching, training, policy and consultancy positions in:

  • national and international NGOs and similar third-sector organisations;
  • departments/schools of criminology, social sciences and law in universities;
  • criminological research institutes;
  • EU or other regional level organisations dealing with justice, crime, security and rights;
  • national government – in ministries of justice, home affairs and related departments;
  • local government – in ministries of justice and crime prevention/community safety departments;
  • criminal justice and security agencies – local, national and international;
  • inter-agency crime prevention and control partnerships between public, voluntary and private sectors;
  • specialist positions in the publishing and media industries;
  • specialist positions in libraries or archives.

The career prospects of graduates will be promoted through dedicated institutional support services at all sites. The Kent Careers Advisory Service will continue to provide advice and support following the initial induction and will advise how to develop and present personal portfolios; this work will be continued at the careers centres of Utrecht, Hamburg, and ELTE, all offering advice, information and guidance on possible career options upon graduation. Extensive institutional careers websites which include online databases of graduate vacancies in research and other employment opportunities throughout Europe and workshop programmes assist candidates in presenting and documenting their employability skills, making career choices, and developing their application and interview skills. Existing alumni careers networks allow candidates to meet and discuss career options and opportunities with graduates of the universities who are in employment. The advice will include reference to EURES and other relevant on-line sites.

Personal and Career Development
The programme reflects the objectives of the European Charter and Code of Practice for Researchers.
It encourages the doctoral candidates to engage from the outset in personal and career development. Through supervised research, relationships with associated members, development of skills in subject-specific and transversal skills training, advice from career offices, and the use of a personal development plan, the candidate is always oriented to future career development. The personal development plan is carried in an e-portfolio throughout the programme, with an expectation that it will continue to be used in the post-doctoral trajectory as part of lifelong learning and career development.