Paula Gil Larruscahim

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Pixação: fighting social-spatial segregation in Brazil

I am a Ph.D. candidate of the Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology (DCGC) with a M.A. in Criminal Sciences from the Pontific Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Before I started the PhD I worked as lecturer at the University of Caxias do Sul in Brazil. From 2010 to 2011, I also integrated the research group Criminal Sciences (GCRIM), at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
The current research that I am conducing focus on the relationship between visual urban interventions, socio-spatial segregation, social policies and criminal control. Through this study I also explore how transgression and resistance are shape in the particular political and historical context of Latin America. I am currently exploring the process that has led to the simultaneous criminalisation of Brazilian street-writing subculture “Pixação” and the domestication and commodification of mainstream graffiti.

  • Gil Larruscahim. 2014. From graffiti to pixação: urban protest in Brasil. In: Cultuur & Criminaliteit, 4(2), pp. 69-84
  • Frederick, B.J. & Gil Larruscahim, P. (2014). Cultural Criminology. In: W.G. Jennings [Ed.] The Wiley Encyclopedia of Crime & Punishment (pp.-). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Gil Larruscahim. P. (2013). Grafite versus Pichação: criminalização da arte ou mercantilização do crime? Estado de Direito. Available online
  • Gil Larruscahim. P. (2010). Interlocuções entre a arte e a criminologia. In Anais do Encontro de História da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. pp. 237-243
  • Gil Larruscahim, P (2006). Justiça Restaurativa: Tecendo um conceito para a margem. In: A Crise do Processo Penal e as Novas Formas de Administração da Justiça Criminal. Porto Alegre: Notadez.
  • Gil Larruscahim, P (2004) .O Processo de Execução Penal e a Violência Estatal. In: Leituras Constitucionais do Sistema Penal Contemporâneo. Rio de Janeiro: Lúmen Júris.