Kyle J.D. Mulrooney

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Kyle Mulrooney’s research is devoted to the sociological study of punishment and penal control. In particular, his Ph.D. dissertation explores the evolution of criminal justice policy in Canada with specific attention to the ways in which state processes and penal actors translate social forces into penal effects. Following this line he has also taken an interest in the doping phenomenon, examining the trend towards “zero tolerance” and the criminalization of performance and image enhancing drugs. Kyle Mulrooney holds a MA in the Sociology of Law from the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Spain, and a BA (Honours) in Criminology and Justice from the University of Ontario Institute Of Technology, Canada. He is currently a Ph.D. Fellow with the Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology, an Erasmus Mundus program of the European Union.


  • Fincoeur, B., van de Ven, K., & Mulrooney, K.J.D. (2014). The Symbiotic Evolution of Anti-Doping and Supply Chains of Doping Substances: How criminal networks may benefit from anti-doping policy. Trends in Organized Crime. DOI 10.1007/s12117-014-9235-7
  •  Mulrooney, K.J.D. (2015). The Pre-Cautionary Culture: Interpassivity and Radical Prevention in the Making of Canada’s Remand Crisis. ASC Division on Critical Criminology [newsletter].
  • Mulrooney K.J.D. (2015). Trends in the Use of Remand in Ontario: Causes, drivers and theoretical observations. The John Howard Society of Ontario, Centre for Research, Policy & Program Development [report].
  •  Mulrooney, K.J.D. (2015). “Spotlight”: Kyle Mulrooney on his internship with the John Howard Society of Ontario, Centre of Research, Policy & Program Development [newsletter]. February, 2015
  •  Mulrooney, K.J.D, & van de Ven, K. (2015). “Muscle Profiling”: Anti-doping policy and deviant leisure. Deviant Leisure Research Group [newsletter].
  •  van de Ven, K., & Mulrooney K.J.D.(2014). Anti-Doping “on Steroids”: Bigger, stronger and faster. International Network of Humanistic Doping Research [commentary].
  •  Mulrooney, K.J.D. (2011). Delinquency Professionals: the influence, extension and adoption of the culture of control. The Onati Socio-Legal Series, 2(1), 1-48.