Roos de Wildt


Post-War Prostitution in Kosovo

Roos de Wildt is conducting her PhD research in Cultural and Global Criminology at the Willem Pompe Institute for Criminology and Criminal Law of Utrecht University, The Netherlands and the Institute for Criminological Research of the University of Hamburg, Germany. She is studying prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes in Kosovo. The aim of this project is to explore how war and a transition process shape these phenomena.

She obtained her Master of Science in Cultural Anthropology, Cum Laude Degree and her Bachelor Degree in Cultural Anthropology at Utrecht University. During her studies, she conducted ethnographic fieldwork on the trafficking of Romanian women to Italy after Romania entered the European Union (2007) and the future perspectives of youth in post-conflict Guatemala (2005). After the finalization of her studies she continued undertaking research for University departments, NGOs and governmental bodies on, amongst others, prostitution in the Dutch municipality of Almere, child trafficking in The Netherlands and the closing of designated prostitution areas in Utrecht, The Netherlands. From 2007 until 2011 she worked as an international project manager at NGOs, such as Defence for Children, during which she was mainly responsible for the implementation of projects in Central and Eastern Europe.

  • de Wildt, R. (2016). Ethnographic Research on the Sex Industry: The Ambivalence of Ethical Guidelines. In Dina Siegel & Roos de Wildt (Eds.), Ethical Concerns in Research on Human Trafficking (pp. 51-69). Springer International Publishing.
  • Siegel, D. & de Wildt, R. (2016). Introduction: The Variety of Ethical Dilemmas. In Dina Siegel & Roos de Wildt (Eds.), Ethical Concerns in Research on Human Trafficking (pp. 1-7). Springer International Publishing.
  • Siegel, D. & de Wildt, R. (2016). Ethical Concerns in Research on Human Trafficking. (277 p.). Springer International Publishing.
  • de Wildt, R. (2015). In the wake of war: a cultural criminological perspective on the growth of the sex industry in Kosovo. In Ferry de Jong, J.A.E. Vervaele, M.M. Boone, C. Kelk, F.A.M.M. Koenraadt, F.G.H. Kristen, D. Rozenblit & E. Sikkema (Eds.), Overarching views of crime and deviancy. – Rethinking the legacy of the Utrecht School (pp. 507-526). The Hague: Eleven international publishing.
  • de Wildt, R. (2009). Tasten in het duister: Roemeense straatprostituees in Rome. In Yvon van der Pijl, Diederick Raven, Lotje Brouwer & Brenda Oude Breuil (Eds.), Antropologische vergezichten: mondialisering, migratie en multiculturaliteit (pp. 207-223). Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Aksant.