Camille Stengel

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‘Chicks on the Corner’: visualising harm production and harm reduction in a women’s only syringe exchange programme

Camille holds a MA in Sociology from the University of Victoria, Canada and a BA(Hons) from the University of Calgary, Canada in Women’s Studies and Religious Studies. Camille’s doctoral research focuses on concepts of harm production and harm reduction, gender, drug policy, and visual and participatory methodologies. She is interested in feminist theories and theories surrounding the understanding of harm as a social phenomenon. Camille finished her fieldwork in Budapest, Hungary in April 2014, where she facilitated a participatory action research photography-based project with employees and drug users of a women’s only day syringe exchange programme. The research culminated in a photo exhibition and public awareness event called ‘Chicks on the Corner’. Find out more about the project here:


  • Stengel, C. (2015). [Review of the book An applied visual sociology: picturing harm reduction]. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. [early online version] Available online at DOI: 10.3109/09687637.2014.1001149
  • Stengel, C. (2014). The risk of being ‘too honest’: drug use, stigma and pregnancy. Health, Risk & Society, 16(1), 36-50. DOI: 10.1080/13698575.2013.868408
  • Stengel, C. and Fleetwood, J. (2014). Developing drug policy: gender matters. GDPO Situational Analysis. Cardiff: Global Drug Policy Observatory. Available online at Situation Analysis Gender digital.pdf
  • Benoit, C., Stengel, C., Marcellus, L., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Anderson, J., MacKinnon, K., Phillips, R., Zazueta, P. & Charbonneau, S. (2014). Providers’ constructions of pregnant and early parenting women who use substances. Sociology of Health & Illness, 26(2), 252-263. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.12106
  • Benoit, C., Stengel, C., Phillips, R., Zadoroznyj, M. & Berry, S. (2014). Nuancing the medicalization debate: Gaps in postpartum care in neoliberal times. In M. Nash (Ed.) Reframing Reproduction: Conceiving Gendered Experiences in Late Modernity. London: Palgrave MacMillan. Pp. 84-98. DOI: 10.1057/9781137267139.0001
  • Marcellus, L., MacKinnon, K., Benoit, C., Phillips, R., & Stengel, C. (2014). Re-envisioning program success for pregnant women with problematic substance use. Qualitative Health Research. Available online at DOI:10.1177/1049732314551058
  • Kensy, J., Stengel, C., Nougier M. & Birgin, R. (2012). Drug policy and women: addressing the negative consequences of harmful drug control. London: International Drug Policy Consortium. Available online at
  • Benoit, C., Stengel, C., Philips, R., Zadoroznyj, M. & Berry, S. (2012). Privatisation & marketisation of post-birth care: the hidden costs for new mothers. International Journal for Equity in Health, 11(61). DOI: 10.1186/1475-9276-11-61