Elena Krsmanović

| ek308@kent.ac.uk
| +31 6 206 23 686
| Academia

Media reporting on human trafficking in selected European countries of victims’ origin and destination

Elena Krsmanović is a Ph.D. candidate of the Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology (DCGC). Krsmanović has an academic background in media studies and holds a M.A. in communication and B.A. in journalism. Her doctoral research is based on analysis of media reporting on the issue of trafficking in human beings. Specifically, through a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, the study will seek to determine characteristics and possible differences in media reporting in selected European countries of victims’ origin and destination. Krsmanović´s research interests include media and crime, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, gender representation, national identity and film.