Katinka van de Ven

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Katinka van de Ven holds a M.Sc. in psychology and a M.A. in criminology from the Utrecht University. She has recently completed her Ph.D. as part of the Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology (DCGC) at the University of Kent and the Utrecht University. Her principal research interests are the use and supply of human enhancement drugs (HEDs), and its control policies, in general, while her Ph.D. focused on the production, distribution and use of performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs). She specifically sought to explore how these dealing networks form and develop in Belgium and the Netherlands. Following the recent completion of her Ph.D., she in collaboration with her colleague Kyle Mulrooney created the Human Enhancement Drug Network (www.humanenhancementdrugs.com). The goal of the network and the HED website is to provide evidence-based information, to share knowledge and experience, and to collaborate in this growing field of HEDs. Her research interests are in the field of human enhancement drugs (HEDs), drug use and supply, drug policy, anti-doping, health, nutrition and sports. Outside of her academic career, Van de Ven is also highly active in Crossfit, both as a trainer and coach, and bodybuilding, and in her spare time advises clients on nutrition and supplements.


Van de Ven, K., ‘Blurred lines’: anti-doping, national policies, and the performance and image enhancing drug market in Belgium and the Netherlands. Performance Enhancement & Health, submitted.

Van de Ven, K., & Mulrooney, K.J.D. Social Suppliers: Exploring the cultural contours of the performance and image enhancing drug (PIED) market amongst bodybuilders in the Netherlands and Belgium. International Journal of Drug Policy, submitted.

Mulrooney, K.J.D., & van de Ven, K. (2015, August 10). Why organised crime should not be used to shape anti-doping policy [Online Publication]. UK: The Conversation.

Van de Ven, K., & Mulrooney, K.J.D. (2015). Safety of contaminated vitamins and nutritional supplements can’t be left to consumers [online publication]. UK: The Conversation.

Mulrooney, K.J.D., & van de Ven, K. (2015). ‘Muscle Profiling’: Anti-doping policy and deviant leisure [blog]. Available online at https://deviantleisure.wordpress.com/2015/01/21/muscle-profiling-anti-doping-policy-and-deviant-leisure/.

Van de Ven, K., & Mulrooney K.J.D. (2014, December 1). Anti-Doping “on Steroids”: Bigger, stronger and faster [commentary]. Aarhus: International Network of Humanistic Doping Research (INHDR).

Fincoeur, B., van de Ven, K., & Mulrooney, K.J.D. (2014). The Symbiotic Evolution of Anti-Doping and Supply Chains of Doping Substances: How criminal networks may benefit from anti-doping policy. Trends in Organized Crime. DOI: 10.1007/s12117-014-9235-7.


Van de Ven, K. (2015, April 1). The illicit PIED market: the ‘muscle mafia’ and socio-cultural suppliers. Centre for Public Health PHD Symposium, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom.

Van de Ven, K. (2014, October 17). The formation and development of PIED dealing networks in the Netherlands and Belgium: a typology of dealers and the implications of PIED policies. The University of West Virginia, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Morgantown, West Virginia.

Van de Ven, K. (2014, June 25). A critical analysis of the diverging anti-doping policies of Belgium and the Netherlands, and their effect on performance and image enhancing drug (PIED) markets. National Deviance Conference, Teesside Centre for Realist Criminology, United Kingdom.

Van de Ven, K. (2014, April 14). Typologies of doping dealers and the importance of culture in performance and image enhancing drug (PIED) markets. The Common Study Program in Critical Criminology, Middlesex University, United Kingdom.

Mulrooney, K.J.D., & van de Ven, K. (2013, September 4). “The war on doping”: a critical analysis of the criminalization of performance and image enhancing drugs. European Society of Criminology Conference, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.

Mulrooney, K.J.D., & van de Ven, K. (2013, August 15). WADA’s Framing of the Doping Threat: Widening the nets beyond the athlete. INHDR conference, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.