Monika Weissensteiner

Politics, Policies and Practices of Bordering “Europe”: Security and Migration in Border Control and Cross-border Police Cooperation

Monika Weissensteiner is working on her Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology as an Erasmus Mundus fellow at the Willem Pompe Institute for Criminology and Criminal Law at the Law Department of Utrecht University (Netherlands) and at the Institute for Criminological Research at the University of Hamburg (Germany). Monika’s multisited ethnographic research explores how security policy and practice, increasingly intertwined with programs aimed at managing (forced) migration and at contrasting (cross-border) crime, unfold through the everyday experiences and practices of security actors, and through interactions of different levels (EU, state, local), actors and fields of knowledge. The analysis seeks to put developments in security- and border-studies, criminological understandings of crime (control) and policing, and anthropological approaches to (in)security into a productive cross-disciplinary dialogue.

Monika Weissensteiner holds a BA in Anthropological Sciences (2007, University of Bologna) and a European Joint MA in Anthropology (2010, National University of Ireland, Maynooth; Université Lumière Lyon II; Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona). Prior to her Phd, Monika has investigated particular aspects of the “Common European Asylum System” (MA, 2010), and more recently she has carried out qualitative research on external security issues with a focus on civil-military interactions, in particular CIMIC (2014).