Mobility opportunities

Core Mobility: the Kent semester, the Utrecht Summer School and the Common Study Programme
In the DCGC programme there is built-in core mobility, which all candidates share together. All candidates commencing the programme at the same time will spend the first semester of the DCGC at Kent; at the end of the second semester they will all come back together for the Utrecht Summer School; in Years 2 and 3 all candidates will have the opportunity to meet again at two presentations (a core activity) at the Common Study Programme in Critical Criminology which includes both consortium partners and associate partners outside the consortium.

Consortium Research/Training Mobility
In Consortium Mobility a pathway around the partner universities is chosen by the candidate according to his/her research needs (and, in specific cases, training needs). Candidates are normally expected to spend a minimum period of 12 months in each of the two supervising institution.
If you are applying for an Erasmus Mundus Category B fellowship and you have obtained your last degree in one of the consortium countries, you can choose that country/university as one of the two co-supervising institutions, but you will have to spend at least one semester in a third institution (core or associated partners). If you also want mobility involving the country where you obtained your last degree, please contact us to discuss the practicalities.
Externally-funded candidates are not restricted by this regulation.