Programme structure

Mobility is integral to the DCGC programme. It takes place at many different levels: geographical, cultural, intellectual, disciplinary, institutional and virtual. When candidates apply, they indicate a provisional mobility pathway which is discussed at the time of application and finally agreed during the first semester of the programme. The mobility is shaped by the research project, the research theme to which the candidate is allocated, and training needs. In the course of the programme all candidates have mobility periods in at least two partners and many have mobility in three or even four partners.

  • In the first semester at Kent and in the second semester Summer School at Utrecht, there is core training in advanced theoretical criminology, advanced research methods and specialist qualitative and legal research methods. Core training is oriented to global and cultural issues and governed by the interdisciplinary, social science and law-based focus demanded by the programme. The core training also includes general research skills and a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods.
  • Innovative elective subject-specific courses are provided by the four partners. Candidates choose courses according to their research project and the mobility path they follow.
  • High level transferable skills include language skills, communication, network and dissemination skills, leadership, research management and relationship management skills, taught in skills courses, promoted in supervision, and cultivated in the community of candidates. Personal and career development is associated with a personal development plan and held in an e-portfolio; this is a candidate-led record making full use of personal reflection supported by guidance from supervisors and associated members.
  • The development of these skills is enhanced by candidate involvement in the Common Study Programme in Critical Criminology, a long-standing twice-yearly, postgraduate-focused international conference with the involvement of 11 universities from 8 different countries. Candidates attend at least two ‘Common Sessions’ and present their research work to a diverse international audience of postgraduates, academics, policy professionals and criminal justice practitioners.
  • With continuing support from supervisory teams, candidates are expected to seek out publication opportunities throughout the programme, recognising that these may range from formal academic media, to policy documents, to communication with the wider public. The presentation of at least two papers at conferences of the Common Study Programme enhance these dissemination opportunities.
  • The DCGC programme makes full use of Moodle as an e-learning platform.
1st Semester (Kent)
  • Advanced Theoretical Criminology
  • Advanced Research Methods
  • Research focus
  • Co-supervision arrangements
  • Mobility pathway plan
  • Research Portfolio (RP)
  • Transferable skills Training (TST)
  • Personal development plan (PDP)
2nd Semester
  • Elective subject-specific course
  • Utrecht Summer School on Advanced Qualitative and Legal Methods
  • Research Portfolio (RP)
3rd Semester
  • Elective subject-specific course or internship
  • Research Portfolio (RP)
  • TST + PDP
  • Common Session I
4th Semester
5th Semester
  • Research Portfolio (RP)
  • Common Session II
6th Semester