Utrecht Summer School: Advanced Qualitative and Legal Methods

The aim of this two-week course is to train DCGC candidates in key advanced qualitative social-scientific and legal methods for use in criminological research. Despite their different backgrounds (mainly from law and social sciences), PhD candidates in criminology often lack an advanced training in qualitative research methods.The course will combine:

  • lectures from at least four different DCGC teachers on specialist methods;
  • seminars for (i) the discussion of key readings and (ii) research progress;
  • time to work on the methodological dimension of DCGC candidates’ research projects;
  • the opportunity to discuss this methodology with teachers in the School.

Four clusters of lectures will focus on:


  1. conducting open interviews and participant observation;
  2. analysing visual data;
  3. using “virtual” methods on the Internet; and
  4. applying a range of relevant legal methods (particularly case, comparative law and legal history methods, content analysis of legal texts and jurisprudence, and discourse analysis).

In the course of seminar work the emphasis will be on ‘doing research’: DCGC candidates will be supervised on small assignments linked to their own doctoral research project.
Visit Utrecht Summer School: Advanced Qualitative and Legal Methods for further details.